702 N. Blackhawk Ave. Suite 200
Madison, WI 53705

Services Provided

    • Psychotherapy – Emotional regulation, Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma-based care for men and women.
    • Mindfulness Based individual psychotherapy.
    • Mindfulness meditation groups.
    • Individual/Group/Couples/Family Therapy.
    • Sex offense specific individual psychotherapy for men and women.
    • Aftercare Group Treatment for men convicted of sexual offense(s).
    • Assessments/Evaluations for men and women who have a history of sexual offense(s).

Our Staff

Schedule an Appointment

Each staff member can be reached by phone or email. We use secure, encrypted email, so confidentiality is assured. Alternatively, you can use MD Office Mail, a HIPAA Compliant Email service, to contact us. Compose Secure Message.